Lead vs Registrant

A unique feature in WebinarFuel allows you to generate not only registrations for your webinars, but also leads that don't complete their registration.

This article is helpful if you accidentally setup your integrations to only capture leads instead of leads and registrants.

A lead is defined as someone who provided their email address, but did not follow through and complete their registration for one of your events.

You can easily find your "leads" when you look at the registration data by creating a segment that only shows "leads", which will then allow you to do more marketing to that segment to get them to register for your event.

Additionally in your Notifications for each webinar event you will see a category for leads. This allows you to create emails and sms messages to anyone who provides their email address, but does not complete their registration.

Please note this is only possible if you are using multi-step registration widgets and asking for an email address on step one.

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