My Viewers Can't See The Chat

Inside the Webinar Room Settings, you can choose the option to make live chats visible to all viewers, privately, or turn it off.

Why do you need to do this and what does each option do?

Enable - This option is to let your live viewers chat during the webinar. Every chat will be visible to all inside the room.

Enable this if you want your viewers to feel more like they're part of the webinar and not just watching a video.

Disable - This option is to disable any chat to be sent during the webinar.

Enable this if you don't want a lot of comments coming in during your webinar.

Private - This option is to let the viewers send chat BUT they can only see their own comments and won't be seen by others as well. You can still see their messages in your dashboard.

Enable this if you want the simulated chat to control the chat more.

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